Nick Behrens

Iowa State Software Engineer

Expected Graduation: May 2018

My Resume About Me

About Me

What am I working on?

If I am not working feverishly on my school projects, you can find me creating android apps, making text adventure games, or teaching high schoolers the importance of coding.







Previous Experience

May 2017 - Aug 2017

Cerner Corporation

Application Services Intern

I created a traffic simulation that showed the traffic to all of the API endpoints across all of Application Services using Netflix's Vizceral and React. I also made improvements in data processing using technologies like Hadoop, HBase and Hive.

Baxter Credit Union

Remote Delivery Intern

During my summer, I completely rewrote a console applications in order to reduce dependencies on other systems. I also helped create a new system of interfaces theat reduced dependencies on third party vendors.

May 2016 - Aug 2016
May 2015 - Aug 2015

Baxter Credit Union

IT Intern

I worked to streamline and optimize communication between Web Banking and back end operations. I also designed a script that welcomed new customers to the Credit Union.

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